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- Disciplines
- Content
- Media - Text
- Issued - 2015-08-31
- Language - English
- Collaborators
- Authors
- Thomas Henkel
- Sylvie Vullioud
- Classification
- Folder
- Discipline
- Keywords
- Open Access, Repositorien, Archives ouvertes, Archivi ad accesso aperto, Repositories
- Didactics
- Education Level
- Examen, Doktoranden, Candidats à l'examen, Doctorants, Dottorando, Examinees, Postgraduates
- Wissenschaftliches Personal, Collaborateurs scientifiques, Collaboratore scientifico, Research associates
- Instructional Method
- Blockseminar, Cours bloc, Seminario intensivo, Block seminar
Mastering the Publication Process to Promote Your Scientific Career
Documentation of the CUSO Workshop 'Mastering the Publication Process to Promote Your Scientific Career' (see competences.cuso.ch). Researchers today need to select different strategies for their professional careers, or the position of their laboratory and/or institution, or scientific ethics, elements that are sometimes contradictory. The workshop will help the doctoral candidate to ask the right questions about publications, in order to make conscious choices that correspond to his/her personal goals.
Mastering the Publication Proces to Promote Your Scientific Career - application/pdf