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- Disciplines
- Content
- Media - Text
- Issued - 2019-11-15
- Language - English
- Collaborators
- Authors
- Bibliothèque de l'Université de Genève
- Classification
- Folder
- Discipline
- Keywords
- Literaturverwaltung, Gestion de références bibliographiques, Gestione dei riferimenti bibliografici, Literature management
- Didactics
- Education Level
- Dozierende, Lehrpersonen, Professeurs, Enseignants, Professore, Docente, Professors, Lecturers
- Examen, Doktoranden, Candidats à l'examen, Doctorants, Dottorando, Examinees, Postgraduates
- Studierende Grundstudium, Étudiants 1er cycle, Studente del primo ciclo, Undergraduate students, Bachelor
- Studierende Hauptstudium, Étudiants 2ème cycle, Studente del secondo ciclo, Graduate students, Master
- Wissenschaftliches Personal, Collaborateurs scientifiques, Collaboratore scientifico, Research associates
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