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- Disciplines
- Content
- Media - Text
- Issued - 2017-06-14
- Language - English
- Collaborators
- Authors
- Thomas Henkel
- Sylvie Vullioud
- Classification
- Folder
- Discipline
- Keywords
- Literaturdatenbanken, Bases de données bibliographiques, Banca dati documentaria, Research databases
- Literaturrecherche, Recherchetechnik, Recherche documentaire, techniques de recherche, Ricerca documentaria, tecniche di ricerca, Researching literature, search techniques
- Literaturverwaltung, Gestion de références bibliographiques, Gestione dei riferimenti bibliografici, Literature management
- Didactics
- Education Level
- Examen, Doktoranden, Candidats à l'examen, Doctorants, Dottorando, Examinees, Postgraduates
- Instructional Method
- Blockseminar, Cours bloc, Seminario intensivo, Block seminar
Successfully search, use and manage scientific publications
Documentation of the CUSO seminar 'Information Literacy for your PhD: successfully search, use and manage scientific publications' (see competences.cuso.ch). This seminar helps participants successfully search, manage and reuse the scientific information with which to begin their doctorate, or to update the publication list before they begin to write up their thesis.
Successfully search, use and manage scientific publications - application/pdf