9 results for '"Thomas Henkel"'

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Orientation et informations de base (histoire)


Orientation et informations de base (histoire)

Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Fribourg, Thomas Henkel

Exercice pour s'orienter dans les locaux de la bibliothèque et pour trouver des informations de base ...

Publisher - | Language - fra | Media - Folder | Access - allowed | Creative Commons License

Orientierung und Grundinformationen Germanistik


Orientierung und Grundinformationen Germanistik

Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg, Thomas Henkel

Übung zur Orientierung in der Bibliothek und zum Auffinden von Grundinformationen im Fachbereich Ger ...

Publisher - | Language - deu | Media - Folder | Access - allowed | Creative Commons License

Zotero - Aide-mémoire


Zotero - Aide-mémoire

Thomas Henkel , Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Fribourg

Les fonctions de Zotero sur une feuille A4.

Publisher - | Language - fra | Media - Folder | Access - allowed | Creative Commons License

Information Literacy for your PhD: successfully search, use and manage scientific publications


Information Literacy for your PhD: successfully search, use and manage scientific publications

Thomas Henkel , Sylvie Vullioud

Documentation of the CUSO seminar 'Information Literacy for your PhD: successfully search, use and m ...

Publisher - | Language - eng | Media - Folder | Access - allowed | Creative Commons License

Mastering the Publication Process to Promote Your Scientific Career


Mastering the Publication Process to Promote Your Scientific Career

Thomas Henkel , Sylvie Vullioud

Documentation of the CUSO Workshop 'Mastering the Publication Process to Promote Your Scientific Car ...

Publisher - | Language - eng | Media - Folder | Access - allowed | Creative Commons License